
The PAN by Jenny Hickman
The PAN by Jenny Hickman

The PAN by Jenny Hickman The PAN by Jenny Hickman

PAN is a secret organization for "People with Active Nevergene" led by none other than Peter Pan to recruit children with special abilities, who otherwise would be looked down as misfits.Neverland is a safe place for these lost children to give them a new life and purpose while keeping their existence a secret. Jenny Hickman's re-imagination of Peter Pan is not only interesting but also immersive, I really enjoyed how she brought in the elements from the classic tale which we all love into a 21st Century story with such ease Well well well guess who read another retelling this year? However The Pan gotta be definitely a unique one 1)Because ofc course it is a Peter Pan retelling which we don't see often(I have never read one before) 2)This book has a unique blend of genre's- Fairytale retelling+YA Fantasy Sci-Fi, in simple take the classic Peter Pan and blend it with X-men series which is the vibe I got from the book which I absolutely loved because I am a sucker for school setting, super powers and a good retelling "Fly Away Lost Boy, I am not looking for that kind of Trouble!"

The PAN by Jenny Hickman